Unique European event that combines mobile information, infrastructure and intelligent navigation: with exhibitors from 8 countries Namely France, England, Germany, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Holland and Switzerland
TURIN - The 11 and Nov. 12 at the Lingotto Fiere in Turin hosts the second edition of ITN - Infrastructure Telematics & Navigation, this European event to offer a complete and integrated picture of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and mobility infrastructure
ITN In 2010, organized by GL events Lingotto Fiere SpA-Italy, with the support of Regione Piemonte, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce of Torino and the Torino Wireless scientific contribution we meet for the international news in terms of navigation, telematics service logistics, intelligent infrastructure, products for the RF-ID and tracking, smart grid, GPS, GIS, terminal board, e-ticketing and mobile payment.
The two-day conference and 20 alternate informative workshops, seminars and networking programs for high-involving 153 speakers, experts and analysts and leading associations and
institutions. The international public companies, SMEs, public administrators, managers of road and rail networks, Telco operators, researchers and media have the opportunity to attend to the presentation of products and services the entire spectrum of infrastructure and industry-mobility offered by 50 exhibitors and sponsors from Italy, France, England, Germany, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Holland and Switzerland.
Plenary sessions: telematics and intelligent infrastructure
ITN In 2010, two days start with plenary sessions devoted to the two key topics of the event. The theme for Thursday, November 11 is Telematics and navigation - telematics, satellite navigation, the mobile information and location services: an overview of the market for telematics and satellite navigation services to the application to the emerging sectors, ranging from transport and logistics planning and traffic management, navigation and cartography from the GeoMarketing.
Friday, November 12 instead will discuss the Smart Infrastructures - by the intelligent transport systems with a focus on intelligent infrastructure for the management of the projects 'smart' territory and infrastructure, from the design of an application and infrastructure responsive to external stimuli, as for intelligent information from the territories.
ITN In 2010, two days start with plenary sessions devoted to the two key topics of the event. The theme for Thursday, November 11 is Telematics and navigation - telematics, satellite navigation, the mobile information and location services: an overview of the market for telematics and satellite navigation services to the application to the emerging sectors, ranging from transport and logistics planning and traffic management, navigation and cartography from the GeoMarketing.
Friday, November 12 instead will discuss the Smart Infrastructures - by the intelligent transport systems with a focus on intelligent infrastructure for the management of the projects 'smart' territory and infrastructure, from the design of an application and infrastructure responsive to external stimuli, as for intelligent information from the territories.
On November 12, 2010, from 9.30 to 17.00, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin - in the work of the Enterprise Europe Network - ITN organized for participants in the event of brokerage technology (www.b2match.com/itn2010/) dedicated to promoting more than 200 bilateral meetings between about 60 companies, universities and research centers from all over Europe.
This is a real event in the event, whose participation is free, addressed mainly to specialist manufacturers, system integrators and service providers currently engaged in the development of new ICT solutions and services for the transport sector in general and wishing to establish new international contacts to promote partnership and technological cooperation and trade.
On November 12, 2010, from 9.30 to 17.00, the Chamber of Commerce of Turin - in the work of the Enterprise Europe Network - ITN organized for participants in the event of brokerage technology (www.b2match.com/itn2010/) dedicated to promoting more than 200 bilateral meetings between about 60 companies, universities and research centers from all over Europe.
This is a real event in the event, whose participation is free, addressed mainly to specialist manufacturers, system integrators and service providers currently engaged in the development of new ICT solutions and services for the transport sector in general and wishing to establish new international contacts to promote partnership and technological cooperation and trade.
It reconfirmed for 2010, given the success of the first edition, the thematic analysis characterized by ad hoc workshop - organized in collaboration with leading trade associations - and exhibition group dedicated to technology for the world's most innovative ICT infrastructure and transport.
AREA AUTO-ID & TRACKING, focused on new developments in automatic identification and tracking of goods and people, the integration of RFID and Auto-ID technologies with existing legacy solutions. E 'in collaboration with Lab ID - LIUC.
AREA E-Ticketing, dedicated to the technological infrastructure to create systems of electronic ticketing in transport, access and parking. E 'Association in collaboration with the Italian Club.
It reconfirmed for 2010, given the success of the first edition, the thematic analysis characterized by ad hoc workshop - organized in collaboration with leading trade associations - and exhibition group dedicated to technology for the world's most innovative ICT infrastructure and transport.
AREA AUTO-ID & TRACKING, focused on new developments in automatic identification and tracking of goods and people, the integration of RFID and Auto-ID technologies with existing legacy solutions. E 'in collaboration with Lab ID - LIUC.
AREA E-Ticketing, dedicated to the technological infrastructure to create systems of electronic ticketing in transport, access and parking. E 'Association in collaboration with the Italian Club.
2nd Summit INFOMOBILITY OPERATORS ', according to meeting their respective constitutional requirements for the chain-mobility operators, a time to take stock of the state of the industry. E 'in collaboration with SIT Assoknowledge member of Confindustria.
SPECIAL 2015, the second meeting between the organizers of Expo 2015, a panel of experts and the public with the intent to find interaction with the local engineering and technology become more interested in local economic development stakeholders in metropolitan areas declined on the areas of mobility, infrastructure, research, safety and organization.
AREA INFORMATION geolocation, geo-referencing of information and focus on cooperation between public and private investment in Geographic Information (GI) at the base of value-added services in e-government, regional planning and environmental management of infrastructure networks . E 'in collaboration with Italy and AMFM GIS support GEOmedia.
AREA CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, focus on strategy, policy interventions, technologies, projects and experiments for the protection and management of critical infrastructure, with an interdisciplinary and intersectoral. E 'in collaboration with IACI.
SPECIAL 2015, the second meeting between the organizers of Expo 2015, a panel of experts and the public with the intent to find interaction with the local engineering and technology become more interested in local economic development stakeholders in metropolitan areas declined on the areas of mobility, infrastructure, research, safety and organization.
AREA INFORMATION geolocation, geo-referencing of information and focus on cooperation between public and private investment in Geographic Information (GI) at the base of value-added services in e-government, regional planning and environmental management of infrastructure networks . E 'in collaboration with Italy and AMFM GIS support GEOmedia.
AREA CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, focus on strategy, policy interventions, technologies, projects and experiments for the protection and management of critical infrastructure, with an interdisciplinary and intersectoral. E 'in collaboration with IACI.
UCOM - Urgent & Critical Communication Technology, Thursday 11: Preview PROTEC 2011
Another important new feature - which PROTEC preview event, the 1st Exhibition of technologies and services for the protection of civil and environmental engineering at the Lingotto Fiere from June 30 to July 2, 2011 - Thursday, November 11 session shall be held UCOM Urgent Critical & Communication Technology - Italian first conference devoted to mission-critical ICT systems. It 'an opportunity for an introductory approach to the issues of PROTEC, with particular regard to technological systems that can support innovative models of communication to be used in case of civil protection and emergency health services, and time for discussion and reference to public and private institutions , operators and companies operating in the field of security, public safety and emergency management. There are three areas in strong growth in mission critical telecommunications systems: interoperability of systems, networks and video monitoring of emergency. In this context, wireless technologies are of course the protagonists: they are now use different radio frequency systems, such as dedicated point-to-point or off-the-shelf products such as cellular networks, which serve as general infrastructure.
Another important new feature - which PROTEC preview event, the 1st Exhibition of technologies and services for the protection of civil and environmental engineering at the Lingotto Fiere from June 30 to July 2, 2011 - Thursday, November 11 session shall be held UCOM Urgent Critical & Communication Technology - Italian first conference devoted to mission-critical ICT systems. It 'an opportunity for an introductory approach to the issues of PROTEC, with particular regard to technological systems that can support innovative models of communication to be used in case of civil protection and emergency health services, and time for discussion and reference to public and private institutions , operators and companies operating in the field of security, public safety and emergency management. There are three areas in strong growth in mission critical telecommunications systems: interoperability of systems, networks and video monitoring of emergency. In this context, wireless technologies are of course the protagonists: they are now use different radio frequency systems, such as dedicated point-to-point or off-the-shelf products such as cellular networks, which serve as general infrastructure.
For more visit diariodelweb
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Can't wait until I get to go to another one of this conferences. I learned so much about telematics and where it is going. I never new what a valuable technology it was